I Need A Tooth Pulled

I Need A Tooth Pulled

Tooth extraction is the removal of teeth from their sockets in the jawbone. If a dentist determines that a tooth is too damaged to save or needs to be extracted as part of your treatment plan, it will be extracted with a simple or surgical procedure. If a tooth is severely impacted, we may also recommend extraction.

What Are Some Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction? 

Typically, a dentist will try all the possible means to save a tooth. However, when all treatment options have failed, the dentist may recommend extraction to prevent more damage to the teeth and bone.

The most common reasons for tooth extraction are:

  • Decay
  • Fractures or cracks
  • Impacted teeth
  • Root canal therapy failure
  • Infection
  • Severe decay that cannot be restored with dental fillings
  • A toothache caused by impacted teeth
  • Placement of dental implants
  • Surgical procedures for dental or oral conditions like tumors and abscesses on the jawbone.

Types of Extraction

  • Simple Extraction 

This procedure involves using forceps to remove a tooth from its socket without the need for an incision. The procedure is quick and effective, though some swelling and tenderness may be experienced immediately after the procedure.  

  • Surgical Extraction 

A surgical extraction involves cutting into the gums to remove a tooth from its socket. This type of extraction is performed when there is insufficient space for the extraction of a tooth without making an incision. 

Who Benefits From Tooth Extraction? 

Tooth extraction is recommended for patients who have severe tooth decay or advanced gum diseases like periodontitis and pericoronitis. It is also recommended for patients suffering from an impacted wisdom tooth that has not yet surfaced. A dental extraction can be performed by a general dentist, oral surgeon, and oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The treatment plan is decided after examining the patient's health and dental condition and determining if an extraction is required. We will also perform an X-ray to check if there are any impacted teeth requiring extraction. If you need a tooth extracted, we can help you schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. 

What Happens During Tooth Extraction? 

Before beginning the procedure, we will administer local anesthesia to your mouth to numb it completely. This will help prevent pain and discomfort during the procedure. We may also place a rubber dam around your teeth to isolate them from the rest of your mouth and keep saliva away from them.

We will then extract the tooth from its socket and ensure that no fragments remain in your jawbone. Thereafter, we will stitch up the wound and give you aftercare instructions to ensure that it heals properly.

Aftercare for Dental Extractions

After your procedure, our dentist will place gauze around your mouth to stop any bleeding and apply pressure on your cheeks to prevent swelling. It is also advised that you avoid chewing food for half an hour after the procedure. Once you are done with the aftercare procedures following your extraction, you can resume your regular activities like eating and drinking as usual. 

Do not chew on the side of your mouth where you had the procedure performed for at least two days, as it will help prevent any injury to your mouth. For the first few hours after your procedure, apply ice packs on both cheeks for about ten minutes each two times per day to reduce swelling and alleviate pain. For at least two days after the procedure, we recommend avoiding citrus fruits and spicy foods that can cause irritation in your mouth and may cause discomfort after you resume eating normally again. 

At TruCare Dental, we provide dental solutions to improve your oral health while transforming smiles. Please contact us to make an appointment.








3031 South 1st St #400, Garland, TX 75041

Phone: (972) 864-0000

Fax: (972) 864-2000

Office Hours

MON 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

TUE - FRI 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

SAT 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

SUN Closed

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